TS PGECET 2025 Syllabus is different according to the courses opted for by the students. Telangana State Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test is the full form of (TS PGECET), and it is the State Level Entrance Examination for candidates to get admission into TS PGECET. Osmania University conducts this Examination on behalf of the Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE), a Statutory body of the Government of Telangana., Hyderabad.
The syllabus of TS PGECET 2025 contains topics and chapters of 16 papers from where the paper will be set. Last year, the entrance exam was conducted for 17 papers. The TS PGECET is providing Regular PG Courses in Engineering, Technology, Architecture, Pharmacy (ME / M.Tech./ M.Pharmacy / M.Arch ), Graduate level Pharm-D (Post Baccalaureate) for the academic year 2025 for candidates and those candidates who want to complete their courses, they can fill the application form through online mode.
Aspiring test-takers must go through the TS PGECET 2025 syllabus in detail to have a grip on the units, chapters, and topics from where the exam conducting authority will set the paper.
Table of Contents
TS PGECET 2025 Syllabus
TS PGECET Hall Ticket 2025 will be released online mode from 1st week of June 2025. According to the TSCHE Schedule, TS PGECET Exam for the Academic year 2025 is going to be conducted in the last week of May 2025, like Previous PGECET Exams.
If you are planning to attend the TS PGECET Common Entrance Test, the first thing that comes into mind is what will be the syllabus for the exam.
Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2024
So now you may be in search of the TS PGECET Syllabus. For the sake of the Candidates, here on our site, we are providing the TS PGECET 2025 Syllabus along with the Exam Pattern. Make use of this Syllabus and Prepare well for the Telangana Post Graduate Entrance Exam.
Important Details of TS PGECET 2025 Syllabus
Name of the University
Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Name of Exam
Telangana State Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test (TSPGECET)
Type of Exam
Post-Graduation Entrance Test.
Official Website
Level of Exam
State Level.
Application Mode
Aerospace Engineering (AS) Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Calculus, and Numerical Methods.
Flight Mechanics
The atmosphere, Airplane Performance, Static Stability, and Dynamic stability.
Space Dynamics
Central force motion, determination of trajectory, and orbital period in simple cases, and Orbit transfer.
Basic Fluid Mechanics, Airfoils and wings, Viscous Flows, Compressible Flows, Wind Tunnel Testing, Flight Vehicle Structures, Structural Dynamics, Stress and Strain, Propulsion, Turbomachinery and Aerothermodynamics of non-rotating propulsion components.
Chemical Engineering (CE) Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra, Calculus, Complex Variables, Probability and Statistics, Differential Calculus, and Numerical Methods.
Chemical Engineering
Process Calculations and thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations, Instrumentation and Process Control, Plant Design and Economics, and Chemical Technology.
Computer Science & Information Technology (CS) Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Calculus and Probability.
Computer Science and Information Technology
Computer Organization and Architecture, Programming & Data Structures, Digital Logic, Algorithms, Compiler Design, Operating System, Theory of Computation, Databases and Software Engineering.
Electronics & Communication Engineering (EC) Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra, Complex Variables, Calculus, Differential Equations, Probability & Statistics and Numerical Methods.
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Networks, Analog Circuits, Digital Circuits, Electronic Devices, Signals and Systems, Control Systems, Communications, and Electromagnetics.
Food Technology (FT) Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics, and Numerical Methods.
Food Chemistry
Carbohydrates-Structure & functional properties of mono, cellulose, pectic substances dietary fibre, etc.
Essential Amino acids, Balanced diet, Fatty acids, Role of minerals in nutrition, etc.
Food Microbiology
Characteristics of microorganisms: morphology, Spores and vegetative cells, Growth and death kinetics, etc.
Fermented food-Buttermilk, Cheese, Yoghurt, Sausage, etc.
Food Technology
Cereals, pulses and oilseed, Fruits, vegetables and plantation crops, etc.
Food Engineering
Fluid Mechanics and Food Quality & Standards, etc.
Instrumentation Engineering (EI) Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential equations, Complex variables, Probability and statistics, and Numerical Methods.
Instrumentation Engineering
Basics of Circuits and Measurement Systems, Transducers, Mechanical Measurement and Industrial Instrumentation, Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Signals, Systems and Communications, Electrical and Electronic Measurements, Control Systems and Process Control and Analytical, Optical and Biomedical Instrumentation.
Metallurgy (MT) Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra, Calculus, Vector Calculus, Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics, and Numerical Methods.
Sources of crude drugs of natural origin & their classification, plant growth regulators, a General method of extraction, etc.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Biochemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, and Inorganic Pharmaceuticals.
The general pharmacological principle, Clinical Pharmacy, etc.
Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Assurance
Concepts of qualitative & quantitative analysis, oxidation-reduction, Forensic pharmacy, etc.
Architecture and Planning (AR) Syllabus
Some major topics are City Planning, Housing, Landscape Design, Computer-Aided Design, Environmental Studies in Building Science, Visual & Urban Design, History of Architecture, Development of Contemporary Architecture, Building Services, Building Construction & Management, Materials and Structural Systems, Planning Theory, Techniques of Planning, Traffic & Transportation Planning, Infrastructure, Services & Amenities, and Development Administration & Management.
Bio-Technology (BT) Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics, and Numerical Methods.
Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Process Biotechnology, Bioprocess Engineering, Plant and animal Biotechnology, Characteristics of animal cells, Immunology, Recombinant DNA Technology, and Bioinformatics.
Civil Engineering (CE) Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Complex Variables, Probability and Statistics, Numerical Methods, and Engineering Mechanics
Structural Engineering
Solid Mechanics, Structural Analysis, Concrete Structures, and Steel Structures.
Water Resources Engineering Transportation Engineering
Fluid Mechanics and hydraulics, Hydrology, Irrigation, Water requirements, Air Pollution, Municipal Solid Wastes, Noise Pollution, Highway Planning, Traffic Engineering, and Surveying.
Electrical Engineering (EE) Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Complex Variables, Transforms, Probability and Statistics, and Numerical Methods.
Electrical Engineering
Electric Circuits and fields, Electrical Machines, Power Systems, Control Systems, Electrical and Electronic Measurements, Analog and Digital Electronics, Power Electronics and drives, and Utilisation.
Environmental Management (EM) Syllabus
Ecology & Environment, Microbiology, Environmental Chemistry, Geospatial Technology, Pollution Control Engineering, Elementary Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Fundamentals of Surface hydrology, and Fundamentals of Groundwater hydrology.
Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2024
Linear Algebra, Calculus, Complex Variables, and Probability and Statistics.
Geo-Engineering & Geo-Informatics
Continents Earth composition, Rocks, Kinds of rocks, Surveying methods, etc.
Programming in C
variables, data types, expressions, control structures, arrays, pointers, etc.
Mechanical Engineering (ME) Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Complex Variables, Probability and Statistics, and Numerical Methods.
Applied Mechanics and Design
Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Theory of Machines, Vibrations, and Machine Design.
Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Fluid Mechanics, Heat-Transfer, Thermodynamics, and Applications.
Materials, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
Engineering Materials, Metal Casting, Metal Forming, Joining Process, Machining and Machine Tool Operations, Metrology & Inspection, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Production Planning & Control, Inventory Control, and Operations Research.
Nano Technology (NT) Syllabus
Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Material, Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Elements of Material Science, Metallurgical Thermodynamics, and Advanced Material Science.
Textile Technology (TT) Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics, and Numerical Methods.
General Textile Technology
Textile Fibres, Silk Technology, Yarn Count systems, New and unconventional Natural Fibres, and Textile Testing.
Yarn Manufacturer
Blow Room, Carding Drawing, Comber & Simplex, Ring Frame & Post Spinning, Spin Plan, Advanced Yarn Manufacture, and Texturing.
Fabric Manufacture
Winding, Warping, Sizing, Post sizing, Loom shed, and Unconventional weaving.
Apparel Technology
Sourcing, Markers and marker Planning, Spreading, Cutting, Sewing technology, Fusing technology, Washing, and Sewing threads.
If you have any queries regarding TS PGECET 2025 Syllabus, you can ask your query and leave comments below.
As a dedicated Biology Science graduate, I’m passionate about sharing the latest updates in national and state entrance exams through my blog. I aim to keep aspiring students informed about exam trends, important dates, and changes in syllabi. With a keen interest in education, I strive to offer valuable insights for students navigating the competitive landscape of entrance examinations and admission tests. Stay updated with me.