Uttarakhand Open University 2025: Application, Dates, Eligibility
Uttarakhand Open University

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025: Application, Dates, Eligibility Criteria

Uttarakhand Open University

Latest Applications Open 2024:

Uttarakhand Open University 2025 Application Form will be Released for Various Courses. Uttarakhand Open University (UOU), known as उत्तराखण्ड मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय in Hindi, is a prominent public state open university situated in the picturesque city of Haldwani, nestled in the scenic landscapes of Uttarakhand, India. Established by an Act of Uttarakhand Legislative Assembly on 31st October 2005, UOU has been a pioneer in providing accessible and quality higher education opportunities to learners across the region.

Recognized by the Distance Education Bureau, and University Grants Commission, and listed in the Association of Indian Universities, UOU is committed to promoting inclusive education and lifelong learning. With its comprehensive range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. programs, the university caters to diverse academic interests and career aspirations of students.

Uttarakhand Open University Admission process provides a gateway to aspiring learners to embark on their academic journey and realize their educational goals. The university offers flexible admission procedures, allowing students from various backgrounds and walks of life to enroll in their desired courses. Whether it’s traditional classroom-based learning or distance education through online platforms, UOU ensures that students receive quality education and ample support throughout their academic pursuits.

UOU Admission 2025 Notification – Application Released Soon

New Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 (July Session) Application Form will be Released for Various Courses. Check the Application Details.

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Highlights

Uttarakhand Open University (UOU) is a prestigious state university established on 31 October 2005. It offers a diverse range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. programs, aiming to provide accessible education to students across Uttarakhand and beyond.

NameUttarakhand Open University
Other nameUOU
TypeState university
Established31 October 2005
ChancellorLt Gen Gurmit Singh (Rtd)
Vice-ChancellorProf. Om Prakash Singh Negi
AddressUniversity Bypass Road, Haldwani, Uttarakhand, 263139, India
AffiliationsDEB, UGC, AIU
Contact Number0135-2974378
Official Websitehttps://www.uou.ac.in/ 

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Courses Offered

Uttarakhand Open University offers a diverse range of courses across various disciplines, catering to the educational needs of students. From undergraduate to doctoral programs, the university provides opportunities for academic growth and skill development.

Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2024

    1. Parul University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2024. Apply Now
    2. Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2024. Apply Now
    3. NIIT | Admissions Open for All Courses 2024. Apply Now
    4. KL University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2024. Apply Now
    5. Alliance UG | Admissions Open for All Courses 2024. Apply Now
    6. GD Goenka | Admissions Open for All Courses 2024. Apply Now

PG Programmes:

CodeProgramme Name
MADS-23MASTER OF ARTS (Development Studies)
MAEC-21M.A.ECONOMICS (एम0ए0अर्थशास्त्र)
MAED-21Master of Arts in Education (शिक्षाशास्त्र में कला परास्नातक)
MAEL-21Master of Arts(English)
MAES-23Master of Arts (Environmental Studies)
MAGE-23Master of Arts in Geography
MAHI-21M.A. HISTORY (एम0ए0इतिहास)
MAHL-21Master of Arts (Hindi) मास्टर ऑफ आर्ट्स (हिंदी)
MAHS-21MASTER OF ARTS (Home Science)
MAJMC-21Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication)
MAJY-21Master of Arts(Jyotish)
MAPA-21MASTER OF ARTS(PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION)मास्‍टर ऑफ आर्ट्स (पब्लिक एडमिनिस्‍ट्रेशन)
MAPSY-21M.A.Psychology (एम.ए. – मनोविज्ञान)
MASL-21Master of Arts (Sanskrit) मास्टर ऑफ आर्ट्स (संस्कृत)
MASO-21M.A. Sociology (एम0ए0 समाजशास्त्र्)
MAUL-23Master of Arts (Urdu)
MBA-21Master of Business Administration
MBA-23Master of Business Administration
MCOM-21MASTER OF COMMERCE (मास्टर ऑफ कॉमर्स)
MPAM-21Master Of Performing Arts (Music)
MSCBOT-21Master of Science(Botany)
MSCCH-21Master of Science(Chemistry)
MSCES-23Master of Science (Environment Science)
MSCMT-23Master of Science (Mathematics)
MSCPH-21Master of Science(Physics)
MSCZO-21Master of Science (Zoology)
MSW-21Master of Social Work
Ph.D. (BOT)-22Botany
Ph.D. (CSA)-21Ph.D.Computer Science
Ph.D. (ECO)-22Economics
Ph.D. (HOS)-22Home Science
Ph.D. (MAT)-22Mathematics
Ph.D. (PUA)-22Public Administration
Ph.D. (ZOL)-22Zoology

Graduate Programmes:

CodeProgramme Name
BAG-23Bachelor of Art with Geography
BAM-23BACHELOR OF ARTS with Mathematics
BBA-23Bachelor of Business Administration
BCA-23Bachelor of Computer Applications
BCOM-23Bachelor of Commerce
BED-21Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
BEDSEDEHI-21B.Ed. Spl. Edu.(Hearing Impairment)
BEDSEDEVI-21B.Ed. Spl. Edu.(Visual Impairment)
BEDSEIDD-23BACHELOR OF SPECIAL EDUCATION- (Intellectual Development Disability)
BLIS-21Bachelor of Library & Information Science
BTTM-23Bachelor of Tourism and Travel Management

P.G Diploma/ Diploma Programmes:

CodeProgramme Name
DCA-21Diploma in Computer Applications
DCH-21Diploma in Commercial Horticulture
DHA-21Diploma in Hospitality Administration
DIT-21Diploma in Information Technology
DMA-21Diploma in Medical Astrology
DNWFP-21Diploma in Non-wood Forest Products
DPHCN-21Diploma in Public Health & Community Nutrition
DPJ-21Diploma in Phalit Jyotishh
DTS-21Diploma in Tourism Studies
DVAPFV-21Diploma in Value Added Products of Fruits and Vegetables
DVK-21Diploma in Vedic karmakand
DVS-21Diploma in Vastu Shashtra
DYS-21Diploma in Yogic Science

Certificate Programmes:

CodeProgramme Name
CAFN-17Certificate in Ayurvedic Food and Nutrition
CAHC-17Certificate in Ayurvedic Herb Cultivation
CAM-17Certificate in Ayurvedic Masseur
CCA-22Certificate in Computer Application
CCDS-21Certificate course in Development Studies
CCOM-17Certificate Course in Office Management
CCPR-17Certificate Course in Panchayati Raj
CCRT-23Certificate in Community Radio Technology
CCSDP-21Certificate in Cyber Space & Data Protection
CDSA-23Certificate in Data Science & Applications
CEGCS-19Certificate in e-Governance and Cyber Security
CFN-18Certificate Course in Food & Nutrition
CGIS-21Certificate in Geo Informatics
CGL-21Certificate in Garhwali Language
CHBC-17Certificate in Herbal Beauty Care
CIN-17Certificate in Naturopathy
CKL-21Certificate in Kumauni Language
CME-17Certificate in Memory Enhancement
CNL-21Certificate in Nepali Language
CNWFP-20Certificate in Non-wood Forest Products
COF-17Certificate in Organic Farming
CP(SEC)-23Computer Programming
CPJ-17Certificate in Phalit Jyotish
CRTI-21Certificate in Right to Information.
CS(SEC)-23Cyber Security
CSDP(SEC)-23Cyber Space and Data Protection
CSL-17Certificate in Sanskrit Language
CSPD(SEC)-23Communications Skills and Personality Development
CVC-20Certificate in Vedic Cosmology
CVDMM-23C. Voc. (Digital Marketing & Management
CVEOM-23C. Voc. (Soft Skill & E- Office Management)
CVK-17Certificate in Vedic Karmkand
CVTEE-23C. Voc.(Technology Enabled Education)
CYS-17Certificate in Yogic Sciences
DMM(SEC)-23Digital Marketing and Management
EOM(SEC)-23E-Office Management
FCSEDE-21Foundation Course in special education
IM(SEC)-23Introduction to Management
NBP(HI)Need Based Program for B.Ed. Spl.Edu. (Bridge Course)
NBP(ID)Need Based Program for B.Ed. Spl.Edu.(Bridge Course)
NBP(LD)Need Based Program for B.Ed. Spl.Edu. (Bridge Course)
NBP(VI)Need Based Program for B.Ed. Spl. Edu. (Bridge Course)
RTI(SEC)-23Right to Information
WDD(SEC)-23Web Designing and Development

Ph.D Programme:

CodeProgramme Name
Ph.D (YOG)-18Ph.D YOGA
Ph.D.(CSA)-18Ph.D. Computer Science
Ph.D.(EDU)-18Ph.D. Education
Ph.D.(ENG)-18Ph.D. English
Ph.D.(HIN)-18Ph.D. Hindi
Ph.D.(MAN)-18Ph.D. Management
Ph.D.(SOC)-18Ph.D. Sociology
Ph.D.(CHE)-18Ph.D. Chemistry
Ph.D.(COM)-18Ph.D. Commerce
Ph.D.(PHY)-18Ph.D. Physics
Ph.D.(SAN)-18Ph.D. Sanskrit
Ph.D.(TOM)-18Ph.D. Tourism Management

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Dates

Uttarakhand Open University dates refer to significant events and deadlines for admissions, examinations, and other academic activities at the institution. These dates play a crucial role in the academic calendar and ensure smooth functioning of various processes throughout the academic year.

EventsJan DatesJul Dates
Availability of Application FormJanuary 2025July 2025
Last Date of Submission of ApplicationsMarch 2025November 2025

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Application Form

The Uttarakhand Open University admission application form is an essential document for prospective students seeking enrollment in various courses. It serves as the initial step in the admission process and contains details such as personal information, academic background, and choice of program. The form can be accessed online through the university’s official website or obtained physically from designated centers. Applicants must accurately fill out the form and submit it along with the required documents within the specified deadline. Completing the application form ensures consideration for admission to the desired program at Uttarakhand Open University.

  • Uttarakhand Open University 2025 (July Session) Application Form will be Released for Various Courses.
  • The Uttarakhand Open University admission application form is available on the official website of the university.
  • Applicants need to visit the university’s website and navigate to the admissions section.
  • Look for the appropriate link to access the online application form for the desired course.
  • Before filling out the form, carefully read all the instructions and eligibility criteria.
  • Provide accurate personal and academic details in the application form.
  • Upload scanned copies of required documents, such as educational certificates, photograph, and signature, as specified in the guidelines.
  • Pay the application fee through the available payment modes, such as online banking, debit/credit card, or through a challan.
  • Double-check all the information entered in the form before final submission to avoid any errors.
  • After successful submission, take a printout of the application form and fee payment receipt for future reference.
  • Keep track of the application status through the provided login credentials or application number.
  • Applicants may receive communication from the university regarding further admission procedures or document verification.
  • Stay updated with the university’s website or official notifications for any updates or announcements related to the admission process.

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Application Form Fee

The Uttarakhand Open University application form fee varies depending on the mode of application and the course applied for. Below is the table detailing the application form fee for different modes and courses:

Course CategoryApplication Form Fee (INR)Late Submission Fee (INR)
Regular Courses250250
MBA, PG Diploma1000250

How to fill Uttarakhand Open University 2025 Application Form?

To fill the Uttarakhand Open University Application Form, follow these steps:

  1. Access the official website of Uttarakhand Open University.
  2. Navigate to the admissions section or look for the link to the online application form.
  3. Read the instructions provided on the application portal carefully.
  4. Ensure you have all the required documents ready, including scanned copies of your photograph, signature, educational certificates, and other relevant documents.
  5. Start filling in the necessary information in the online application form accurately.
  6. Upload the scanned copies of the required documents as per the specified format and guidelines.
  7. Pay the application fee through the available payment options, such as online banking, debit/credit card, or challan.
  8. Double-check all the details entered in the form to avoid any errors.
  9. Submit the application form online.
  10. Take a printout of the completed application form and payment receipt for future reference.
  11. If applying offline, obtain the prospectus and application form from the designated Study Centers or University Headquarters.
  12. Fill out the application form manually and submit it along with the required documents to the designated study center or university headquarters.

Document Required:

The documents required for the Uttarakhand Open University Application Form are as follows:

  • Candidate’s Photograph: Recent passport-sized photograph of the applicant.
  • Candidate’s Signature: Scanned copy of the applicant’s signature.
  • 10th Mark sheet/ Certificate: Self-attested photocopy of the 10th class mark sheet or certificate.
  • 12th Mark sheet/ Certificate: Self-attested photocopy of the 12th class mark sheet or certificate (applicable for higher education courses).
  • Eligibility Document: Document proving eligibility for the chosen course, such as graduation degree or equivalent certificate.
  • Self-Declaration Form: Duly filled and signed self-declaration form by the candidate.
  • Payment Receipt: Receipt of the application fee payment made through the designated mode.

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Eligibility Criteria

Uttarakhand Open University sets clear eligibility criteria for admission, ensuring that prospective students meet the academic and other requirements for their desired programs. Here is an overview of its eligibility criteria.

CourseEligibility Criteria
B.A.10+2 or equivalent
B. Sc.10+2 or equivalent
BBA10+2 or equivalent
BCA10+2 with Mathematics or Computer Science
B.Com.10+2 or equivalent
B.Lib.Sc.Any graduation with 50% marks
B.Ed.Graduation with 50% marks and two years of teaching experience
M.A.Graduation in relevant subject
M.Sc.Relevant Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
MCABCA or equivalent
M.ComBCom or equivalent
MBAGraduation with 50% marks
MTTMGraduation in any discipline
LLMLLB with 50% marks
Diploma10+2 or equivalent

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Admit Card 

Uttarakhand Open University 2025 Admit Card will be Released soon for Various Courses. The Uttarakhand Open University issues admit cards to students appearing for examinations, serving as a crucial document for identification and verification purposes. These admit cards contain essential information such as the student’s name, enrollment number, exam date, time, and venue. 

Admit cards are typically available for download from the university official website or can be collected from the university’s examination center. It is mandatory for students to carry their admit cards to the examination hall, failing which they may be denied entry. The Uttarakhand Open University ensures the timely issuance of admit cards to facilitate smooth conduct of examinations and promote academic integrity.

How to Download UOU 2025 Admit Card?

To download the Uttarakhand Open University 2025 Admit Card, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the official website of Uttarakhand Open University.
  2. Navigate to the Admit Card Section: Look for the “Admit Card” or “Hall Ticket” section on the homepage. It is usually found under the “Examination” or “Student Corner” tab.
  3. Enter Login Credentials: You may need to enter your login credentials, such as your registration number or enrollment number, and password. If you don’t have an account, you may need to register first.
  4. Search for Admit Card Link: Once logged in, look for the link to download the admit card for the upcoming examination. This link is typically labeled as “Download Admit Card” or similar.
  5. Select Examination Details: On the admit card download page, select the examination type (Regular, Back Paper, Improvement Paper), session, and program.
  6. Generate Admit Card: After selecting the examination details, click on the “Generate Admit Card” or “Download Admit Card” button.
  7. View and Verify Details: Your admit card will be displayed on the screen. Verify all the details such as your name, photograph, examination date, time, and venue.
  8. Download and Save: If all the details are correct, proceed to download the admit card. Save the admit card on your device for future reference.
  9. Print Admit Card: After downloading, it is advisable to take a printout of the admit card. Make sure to carry the printed admit card to the examination hall on the day of the exam.

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Result

The Uttarakhand Open University admission result is a critical outcome that determines the selection of candidates for various academic programs offered by the university. Following the completion of the admission process, the university evaluates the applications based on eligibility criteria, academic qualifications, and other relevant factors. The admission result is typically announced through the university’s official website or other designated platforms. 

Successful candidates receive formal notification of their acceptance into the desired program, while those who are unsuccessful are provided with information on the reasons for their non-selection. The Uttarakhand Open University ensures transparency and fairness in the admission result declaration process, fostering an inclusive and merit-based approach to higher education.

How to Check Uttarakhand Open University 2025 Result?

To check the Uttarakhand Open University (UOU) Result for the year 2025, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the official website of Uttarakhand Open University.
  2. Navigate to Results Section: Look for the “Results” section, typically located under the “Exam” or “Examination” tab at the bottom of the homepage.
  3. Click on Download Results: Once you find the Results section, click on the option to “Download Results.”
  4. Redirect to Result Page: You will be redirected to the result page where you can view and download your results.
  5. Select Examination Type: On the result page, select the type of examination you appeared for (Regular, Back Paper, Improvement Paper).
  6. Choose Session and Program: Next, select the session (May-June or November-December) and the program for which you appeared for the examination.
  7. Enter Enrollment Details: Enter your enrollment number and date of birth in the respective fields.
  8. Get Results: After entering the required information, click on the “Get Results” button.
  9. Download Results: Your UOU result for the specified examination will be displayed on the screen. You can download the result in PDF format for future reference.

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Counseling

Uttarakhand Open University conducts admission counseling sessions to assist prospective students in making informed decisions about their academic pursuits. These counseling sessions provide guidance on various aspects such as available courses, eligibility criteria, fee structure, and career prospects. Qualified counselors offer personalized advice and address any queries or concerns raised by the applicants. 

Through interactive discussions and presentations, students gain valuable insights into the university’s offerings and academic requirements. Admission counseling aims to facilitate a smooth transition for students into their chosen programs, ensuring that they are well-equipped to embark on their academic journey with confidence. Uttarakhand Open University prioritizes student support and guidance to foster success and academic excellence among its student community.

Required Document at Verification time:

During the verification process at Uttarakhand Open University, applicants are typically required to submit the following documents:

  • Admit Card: The admit card serves as proof of registration for the examination and includes essential details such as the candidate’s name, enrollment number, and examination center.
  • Photo Identification: A valid photo ID such as Aadhar card, PAN card, passport, or driver’s license is required for identity verification purposes.
  • Mark Sheets and Certificates: Applicants must provide original and photocopies of their academic mark sheets and certificates, including those of qualifying examinations.
  • Proof of Address: Documents such as a ration card, voter ID, or utility bill can be submitted as proof of address.
  • Caste Certificate (if applicable): Candidates belonging to reserved categories are required to submit a caste certificate issued by the competent authority.
  • Income Certificate (if applicable): Applicants seeking fee concessions or scholarships based on financial need may need to submit an income certificate.
  • Transfer Certificate: Candidates transferring from another institution may need to submit a transfer certificate issued by their previous institution.
  • Migration Certificate: Students migrating from another university or board may need to provide a migration certificate.
  • Passport-sized Photographs: Recent passport-sized photographs may be required for administrative purposes.
  • Any other specific documents: Depending on the program and specific requirements, additional documents may be requested by the university.

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Placement

Uttarakhand Open University (UOU) conducts annual placement drives for its enrolled students, though placement data for the academic year 2023 is yet to be released. As per Collegedunia reviews, UOU’s MBA program boasts a commendable placement record, with qualified students securing lucrative job opportunities. The average annual package for MBA graduates is reported to be INR 5.75 LPA. 

Top companies such as Amazon, Dell, Accenture, and ITC are among the prominent recruiters at UOU. Moreover, the university’s active placement cell provides internship opportunities with leading companies to students, enhancing their practical exposure. Additionally, UOU organizes various activities and seminars to prepare students for interviews, ensuring they are well-equipped for their professional endeavors.

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Fee Structure

Uttarakhand Open University offers transparent and competitive fee structures, ensuring affordability and accessibility to higher education. Here is an overview of its fee structure.

CourseFees (per semester)
B.A.INR 3,550
B. Sc.
BBAINR 10,150
BCAINR 15,550
B.Com.INR 3,550
B.Lib.Sc.INR 21,150
B.Ed.INR 22,150
M.A.INR 5,150
MCAINR 22,150
M.ComINR 4,650
MBAINR 17,900
LLMINR 9,000
DiplomaINR 4500

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Scholarship

Uttarakhand Open University provides scholarships to deserving students, fostering access to quality education and supporting academic excellence. Here is an overview of its scholarship programs.

PG Merit Scholarship for University Rank Holders by UGC:

  • This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate First and Second Rank winners who have been accepted into any Postgraduate Course.
  • Eligibility: Students enrolled in a conventional, full-time Master’s degree program at a recognized university, acknowledged university, private university, autonomous college, or post-graduate college are eligible.
  • Application Process: Applicants can apply through the National Scholarship Portal of the Government of India, which accepts applications once a year. Additionally, a brief notice will be posted on the UGC website.
  • Scholarship Reward: INR 3100 per month for two years only, covering the full duration of the PG course. No additional grants will be payable for hostel charges or medical expenses. Recipients of this scholarship are not debarred from accepting other scholarships.

Merit-Cum-Means Scholarships:

  • Eligibility Criteria: Students must have at least 55% marks for the general category and 50% for S.T/ S.C students. There is no income bar for eligibility.
  • Students should be enrolled in UG/ PG programs.
  • Scholarship Reward: Up to INR 130 per month for day scholars and up to INR 160 for hostelers.

Defence CRPF Scholarship:

  • This scholarship offers a 5% discount on net tuition fees to the son/daughter of defense CRPF personnel for the entire duration of the program.

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Infrastructure

Uttarakhand Open University offers modern infrastructure facilities to support its academic and administrative functions, ensuring a conducive learning environment. Here is an overview of its infrastructure.


  • The library at Uttarakhand Open University is a vital resource center for students, faculty, and researchers. The central library, known as e-Granthalaya, offers a comprehensive collection of books, journals, e-books, and other scholarly materials across various disciplines. In addition, the university provides access to the National Digital Library of India, sponsored by MHRD and coordinated by IIT Kharagpur, further enriching the library’s resources. Online Self Learning Material (SLM) e-Books are available for each department, enhancing the accessibility of educational resources for students.

Conference Room:

  • The conference room at Uttarakhand Open University serves as a versatile space for academic discussions, meetings, seminars, workshops, and other events. 
  • Equipped with modern audiovisual equipment and seating arrangements, the conference room provides a conducive environment for collaborative learning, knowledge sharing, and professional networking. 
  • It is used by faculty, staff, students, and external stakeholders for a variety of purposes, ranging from academic presentations to administrative meetings.

Seminar Hall:

  • The seminar hall is another essential facility at Uttarakhand Open University, designed to accommodate large gatherings for academic and cultural events. 
  • Equipped with audiovisual aids, lighting, and seating arrangements, the seminar hall provides an ideal venue for hosting lectures, seminars, workshops, symposiums, and other academic activities. 
  • It serves as a platform for knowledge dissemination, intellectual exchange, and community engagement, enriching the academic experience of students and fostering a culture of learning and innovation.

Community Radio Station:

  • Uttarakhand Open University operates a community radio station as part of its outreach and communication efforts. 
  • The radio station serves as a platform for disseminating information, promoting education, and fostering community engagement. 
  • It broadcasts a diverse range of programs, including educational content, cultural shows, health awareness campaigns, and community news. T
  • he community radio station plays a vital role in connecting with diverse audiences, including students, faculty, staff, and members of the local community, and promoting social inclusion, dialogue, and empowerment.


  • The headquarters of Uttarakhand Open University is situated in Haldwani. 
  • This central hub serves as the nerve center for all administrative and academic functions of the university. 
  • It houses various departments responsible for managing day-to-day operations, including student services, academic affairs, finance, human resources, and more. 
  • The headquarters also serves as a focal point for coordinating activities across the university’s network of regional centers and study centers. 
  • Additionally, it houses the university’s data center, which is crucial for hosting and managing digital resources, including the university’s website, intranet, and other online platforms.

Dehradun Campus:

  • The Dehradun campus of Uttarakhand Open University is one of the prominent regional centers of the institution. 
  • Located in the capital city of Uttarakhand, this campus provides comprehensive academic and administrative facilities to students and staff. 
  • It offers a range of services, including admissions, counseling, library access, and administrative support. 
  • The Dehradun campus serves as a hub for academic activities, hosting lectures, seminars, workshops, and other events to enrich the learning experience of students. 
  • Additionally, it houses faculty offices, classrooms, laboratories, and other infrastructure necessary for delivering quality education.

Regional Centers/ Study Centers:

  • Uttarakhand Open University operates several regional centers and study centers across different cities and towns in Uttarakhand. 
  • These centers are strategically located to cater to the educational needs of students residing in various regions of the state. 
  • Each regional center serves as a satellite campus, providing academic support services, counseling, and administrative assistance to students enrolled in the university’s programs. 
  • The study centers, on the other hand, are smaller extensions of the regional centers, offering localized support and resources to students in their respective areas. 
  • These centers play a crucial role in extending the reach of the university and promoting access to higher education in remote and rural areas.


  • The datacenter at Uttarakhand Open University, located within its headquarters in Haldwani, serves as a critical infrastructure component for the institution. 
  • It houses servers, networking equipment, and storage systems that support various digital services and platforms. 
  • The datacenter hosts the university’s website, intranet, internet connectivity, firewalls, and anti-virus systems, ensuring the reliability, security, and availability of digital resources. 
  • It plays a pivotal role in facilitating communication, collaboration, and information dissemination among students, faculty, and staff members across the university’s network.

IT Facilities:

  • Uttarakhand Open University is committed to providing state-of-the-art IT facilities to its students and staff members. 
  • The institution regularly updates its technological resources to ensure access to the latest tools and technologies. 
  • These facilities include computer labs equipped with modern hardware and software, high-speed internet connectivity, e-learning platforms, and digital learning resources. 
  • The university also promotes the use of technology-enhanced learning methods, such as online lectures, virtual classrooms, and multimedia content delivery, to enhance the educational experience of students.

Learner Support Centers:

  • Learner Support Centers are integral components of Uttarakhand Open University’s student support services. 
  • These centers are dedicated to assisting students in their academic pursuits and providing guidance and support throughout their learning journey. 
  • Trained staff members at the support centers offer counseling, academic advising, and administrative assistance to students. 
  • They help students overcome challenges, access resources, and navigate the university’s programs and services. 
  • Learner Support Centers strive to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment that fosters student success and well-being.


  • Uttarakhand Open University boasts a highly qualified and dedicated faculty comprising professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and academic associates. 
  • The faculty members are experts in their respective fields and are committed to delivering quality education to students. 
  • They possess advanced degrees and professional certifications, along with extensive teaching and research experience. 
  • The faculty members engage in curriculum development, scholarly research, and community service activities, contributing to the intellectual growth and development of the university and its students.

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Faculty List

Uttarakhand Open University boasts a diverse and highly qualified faculty committed to excellence in teaching and research. Here is an overview of its faculty members.

NameDesignationDepartmentQualificationSubject Expertise
Prof. Om Prakash Singh NegiVice-Chancellor
Dr. Deepak PaliwalAssistant ProfessorDepartment Of Social ScienceM.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.Rural Sociology,
Women Studies,
Research Methodology
Dr. Madan Mohan JoshiAssistant ProfessorDepartment Of Social ScienceM.A., Ph.D.Reading Religious Scriptures
Dr. R.C. MishraProfessorDepartment Of Management Studies & CommercePh.D.Management Studies & Commerce
Dr. Gagan SinghAssistant ProfessorDepartment Of Management Studies & CommerceM.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.Reading,
Listening Music
Dr. Durgesh PantProfessorDepartment Of Computer Sciences & Information TechnologyPh.D.
Dr. Jeetendra PandeAssistant ProfessorDepartment Of Computer Sciences & Information TechnologyB.E., M.Tech., Ph.D.Design & Analysis Of Algorithm,
Computer Architecture & Organization,
Component Based Software Development
Dr. Jatashankar Ramprasad TewariAssistant ProfessorDepartment Of Tourism & Hotel ManagementM.A., M.Sc., PGDRMTravelling And Nature Photography
Dr. Subhash Chand RamolaAcademic AssociateDepartment Of Tourism & Hotel ManagementM.T.M., M.H.M., Ph.D.Travel And Tourism

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Affiliated College

Uttarakhand Open University is affiliated with several colleges, providing students with diverse educational opportunities and resources. Here is an overview of its affiliated colleges.

College NameLocationAffiliation
Jamia Islahul BanaatHaridwar, Uttarakhand
Hariom Saraswati Inter CollegeHaridwar, UttarakhandUGC
Swami Vivekanand Institute of Management (SVIM)Haridwar, UttarakhandAICTE
Himalayan Institute of Education and Technology (HIET)Chamoli, UttarakhandUGC
B.S.M Women B.Ed CollegeRoorkee, UttarakhandNCTE
Nand Kishor JakhmolaRoorkee, UttarakhandUGC
Raath MahavidyalayaGarhwal, Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Schools

Uttarakhand Open University houses diverse schools catering to various fields of study, fostering interdisciplinary education and research. Here is an overview of its schools.

School Of Agriculture & Development StudiesSchool Of Vocational Studies
School Of Earth And Environmental ScienceSchool Of Tourism & Hotel Management
School Of EducationSchool Of Humanities
School Of Management Studies & CommerceSchool Of Computer Sciences & Information Technology
School Of Social ScienceSchool Of Sciences
School Of Health SciencesSchool Of Law
School Of Journalism & Media StudiesSchool Of Library & Information Sciences

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Ranking 

Uttarakhand Open University ranks among the top institutions in India, offering quality education and innovative programs. Here are its rankings.

All Universities in World17,872
All Universities in Asia9,716
All Universities in India3,602

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 Contact Details

Uttarakhand Open University provides flexible and accessible higher education opportunities. Here are its contact details.

DepartmentContact Number
AddressBehind Transport Nagar, Vishwavidyalaya Marg, Haldwani (Nainital) 263139 Uttarakhand
Dehradun CampusUCF Sadan, Vishnu Vihar, Deepnagar Road, Near Prasar Bharti Kendra, Ajabpurkalan, Dehradun-248001, Uttarakhand
Toll Free1800 180 4025
Book Distribution Unit05946-286001
Exam Section05946-286022


Uttarakhand Open University stands as a beacon of accessible education, offering a wide array of undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. programs to students across Uttarakhand and beyond. Established on 31 October 2005, the university has earned recognition from prestigious bodies such as DEB, UGC, and AIU, ensuring the quality and validity of its academic offerings. 

Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2024

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    2. Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2024. Apply Now
    3. NIIT | Admissions Open for All Courses 2024. Apply Now
    4. KL University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2024. Apply Now
    5. Alliance UG | Admissions Open for All Courses 2024. Apply Now
    6. GD Goenka | Admissions Open for All Courses 2024. Apply Now

With a rural campus located in Haldwani, Uttarakhand, Uttarakhand Open University embodies the principles of inclusive learning and empowerment, providing flexible admission procedures and innovative learning methods to meet the diverse needs of its students. As it continues to evolve and expand, UOU remains committed to its mission of promoting lifelong learning and fostering academic excellence in the region.

If you any queries regarding Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025, you can ask your query leave comments below.

Uttarakhand Open University Admission 2025 FAQs

What programs does Uttarakhand Open University offer for admission in 2025?

Uttarakhand Open University offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. programs across various disciplines.

How can I apply for admission to Uttarakhand Open University?

You can apply for admission to Uttarakhand Open University either online through the university’s website or offline by obtaining the application form from the university’s study centers.

What is the eligibility criteria for admission to UOU?

Eligibility criteria vary depending on the program you are applying for. Generally, candidates must have completed the required educational qualifications specified for each program.

What is the mode of entrance examination for admission to UOU’s MBA program?

For the MBA program, candidates may be required to appear for an entrance examination conducted by the university or submit valid scores of national-level entrance exams like CAT or MAT.

What documents are required for the admission application process?

The required documents typically include photocopies of educational certificates, mark sheets, passport-sized photographs, and other relevant documents as specified by the university.

Is there any reservation policy for admission to UOU?

Yes, Uttarakhand Open University follows the reservation policy mandated by the government of Uttarakhand for admission to various programs.

What is the fee structure for different programs at UOU?

The fee structure varies depending on the program and category of the candidate. Detailed fee information is available on the university’s website or in the prospectus.

Are scholarships available for students at UOU?

Yes, UOU offers scholarships to deserving students based on merit and financial need. Eligible candidates can apply for scholarships through the prescribed procedure.

Can I apply for multiple programs simultaneously?

Yes, candidates can apply for multiple programs simultaneously by submitting separate application forms for each program.

Is there any provision for hostel accommodation for outstation students?

Yes, UOU provides hostel accommodation facilities for outstation students. Interested candidates can apply for hostel accommodation during the admission process.

What is the mode of payment for the application fee?

The application fee can be paid online through the university’s website or offline through bank challan as per the candidate’s preference.

How can I check the status of my admission application?

You can check the status of your admission application online through the university’s admission portal or by contacting the admission office.

Can I cancel my admission application after submission?

Yes, candidates can withdraw their admission application within the specified timeframe by submitting a formal request to the university’s admission office.

What is the selection criteria for admission to Ph.D. programs?

Selection for Ph.D. programs is based on factors such as academic merit, performance in the entrance examination (if applicable), and interview conducted by the university’s selection committee.